Varemærke ANACONDA
Wing Knob with Padlock Fitting

Wing Knob with Padlock Fitting

Chrome Plated Die-Cast Zinc Alloy with Steel Cam. Rubber Gasket for good seal.

rekv. nummerGrip RangeStk.i pakkenpris/emballage / stk.pris/stk
Right Hand DoorLeft Hand Door
4683134683198,550 pc73 DKK114 DKK
46831446832014,550 pc73 DKK114 DKK
46831546832118,550 pc73 DKK114 DKK
46831646832224,550 pc73 DKK114 DKK
46831746832326,550 pc73 DKK114 DKK
46831846832428,550 pc73 DKK114 DKK

Prices are without VAT. If specified order number, please, it will add it to the selected type of goods. We will be glad to send you any quantity. In case of large subscriptions, please contact us.

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